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23/05/2011 u mostu Aziz Aga


Naše cesta po Řecku se pomalu krátí a tak se chci pokusit o malou rekapitulaci.
Něco už jste si přečetli, něco možná domysleli. Já sama jsem zažila několik velkých okamžiků. Seděla jsem několikrát na nějakém kameni (kterých je tady všude dost a dost) a přemýšlela, jak asi žili lidé, kteří je otesávali, kteří je stavěli, žili v domech z nich postavených. Je mi přitom hrozně smutno, že po mnoha dalších staletích se o tyto kameny již nikdo nestará a místo zachovalého města najdete hromadu balvanů, které možná někdy někam patřily.
Protože jsme nejprve zajeli do Benátek, musím začít tam. Bylo to chvilkami úděsné, ale když se nám podařilo oprostit se od lidí, kterých byly všude stovky, tak jsme viděli i zvláštnosti tohoto města. Usoudili jsme ale, že zase až za deset let. Byli jsme tu totiž naposled v roce 2001. Památky zůstanou, lidí bude možná ještě víc, my budeme zase o něco starší a budeme vše možná pozorovat s větším nadhledem.
Naše první dojmy po vylodění v Řecku byly dost hrozné. Všude samý nepořádek, odpad naházený všude na každém volném místě. Něco jako u nás před zavedením regulovaných skládek. Nejhorší je to kolem velkých měst. Na venkově, kde se velmi rádi pohybujeme, je to lepší.
Olympia. To je něco naprosto neuvěřitelného pro někoho, kdo ještě v Řecku nikdy nebyl. Zase, pro mne velmi zvláštní pocit. Chodili jsme mezi „domy, paláci, chrámy, stadionem“ a přemýšleli o lidech, kteří zde žili. Vlastně o mužích, protože sportovních her v Olympii se ženy nesměly zúčastnit.
Methoni a Koroni – dvě benátské pevnosti, neuvěřitelně veliké, rozbořené, chodili jsme kolem lidí, kteří bydlí v domečcích přilepených na staré zdi těchto pevností a berou to jako samozřejmost. Ano, vůbec se jim nedivím. U nás je to přece také tak. Život jde stále dál a i staré kameny se zase znovu použijí. Jenom někdy trochu špatně a většinou se potom ztratí a při opravách památek jsou nedohledatelné. V kolika domech v různých zemích je zazděno mnoho různých kamenů, které jsou opracované před několika tisíci lety.
Když jsme vjeli do hor, našli jsme mnoho krásných míst, kde by se nám líbilo jako na letním bytě. V každé vesnici je malý udržovaný kostelík, kolem něho lavičky, je vidět, že se tam lidé scházejí a pobývají spolu. To u nás bohužel není. Nějak se nechceme družit.
Hory jsou krásné, některé velmi vysoké, roste v nich mnoho pro nás zvláštních stromů, také kytek, jako např. bramboříky, spousta bylinek, stromů, které ani neznáme. Jak už Ondřej psal, zašli jsme jednu neděli ráno do malinkého kláštera. Mše už byla zřejmě pryč, bylo tam asi pět lidí, kteří uklízeli a popíjeli kávu. Hned nás pozvali ke stolu, dostali jsme kávu frapé, kterou jsme si okamžitě zamilovali a hovořili jsme. Byli velmi milí, jenom ten jazyk je problém. Čeština a řečtina jsou tak odlišné, že se nedá najít vlastně nic podobného. A starší lidé anglicky neumějí.
Přístav Gythio. Toto městečko nás nadchlo už večer, když jsme jím projížděli. Ráno jsme se tam vrátili, došli na skvělý oběd. To byly ty smažené chobotničky, kalamáry a rybičky.
O Epidauros psal velmi podrobně Ondřej.
V neděli jsme navštívili dvě místa, protože nějak nestíháme, plán neplníme a čas se krátí.
Delfy. Kultické město, kde v Apollonově chrámu věštila Pýthie. Seděla na trojnožce nad puklinou v zemi a v transu odpovídala na otázky. Z města jsou opět jenom trosky, kameny pracně posbírané, očíslované, ale opět je jich hromada ztracena. Toto místo pro nás mělo jeden velký zápor – bylo tam moc lidí. Vyhnout se turistickým autobusům je velmi těžké. Muzea a vykopávky, které jsou chráněné nějakým polotem, mají otevírací dobu skutečně velmi omezenou. Nějak se tady nechce nikomu pracovat. Ve 3 hodiny zavřou a nikoho nic nezajímá. Nedovedu si představit, že by se to stalo u nás. A to je tady teplo, dlouho vidět, lidé by klidně chodili ještě po šesté.
Thermopyly. Ty jsme stihly snadno, pomník stojí volně u silnice. Pro nás oba velký zážitek. Najednou jsme stáli na místě, o kterém jsme se podrobně učili na základní škole v dějepise. 1 000 mužů spartských a řeckých a proti nim 1 000 000 mužů perských. Pamatujete ještě? „Poutníče postůj a zvěstuj Lakedaimónským, že my zde ležíme, jak zákon kázal nám.“ Vylezli jsme na malý kopeček, na kterém zbytek sparťanů zemřel a kde leží kámen s tímto nápisem v řečtině. Kdysi to pro nás byla pohádka vyprávěná ve škole, o které jsme si nedovedli nic představit a najednou tady stojíme, vidíme kopeček, moře, vysoké kopce, řeku…
Jeden příjemný pocit z tohoto místa je ale důležitý. Thermopyly, znamená brána. Je tam teplý syrný pramen, ve kterém se dá koupat. Leží tam naložených mnoho lidí, čvachtají se a nikomu se nechce vylézat. Dopadli jsme úplně stejně. Voda je horká, smrdí a je strašně příjemná. Jen je důležité na tom dost dlouhém potoce najít místečko, kde zrovna nikdo není. To uvidíte na fotkách.
Pondělí - Metéora – vznášející se skála. To jsou vysoké skály, na kterých stojí několik klášterů. Dnes jsme jich několik prošli a moc se nám líbily. Jenom těch turistů, kdyby tolik nebylo. Jak tam asi kdysi ti mniši vylezli a dokonce dokázali postavit budovy a žít tam. Dneska jim kazí klid turisté a velké město v nížině pod nimi. Je tam celou noc velký hluk a to k rozjímání asi nepřispívá.
Konec. Napsala jsem slohové cvičení, děkuji každému, kdo vydržel do konce. Jestli se ještě ozveme nevíme, budeme rádi když zítra najdeme internet, abychom toto mohli poslat.
Tak ahoj všem a uvidíme se doma.
Od řeky Víkos a mostu pro muly Azíz Aga v pondělí 23.5.2011


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Complete-Body Treatment from Diamond state Integrative Medical

(RobertInedo, 14. 11. 2023 6:50)

Review of Diamond state Complementary Medical along with their own holistic strategy to be able to treatments throughout Middletown, Del.

Main Areas:

1. Complementary Remedies Product
-Goodies the particular complete person - thoughts, entire body and heart
-Combines conventional along with substitute techniques
-Talks about physical, mental as well as lifestyle aspects
-Medical professional-affected individual collaboration centered on wellness targets
2. Services Offered
-Main attention along with continual illness operations
-Acupuncture, rub down, naturopathic medicine
-Nutrition counseling and wellness teaching
-Yoga exercises treatment, meditation and recognition
-Bioidentical hormone remedy
-Intravenous remedies along with aesthetic remedies

3. Primary Care Vendors
-Dr. Christina Panuccio, MD
-Medical professional. Kristen Sniatkowski, Maryland
-Health professional practitioner Teresa Gillman
-Locations of skills included

4. Holistic Health Strategy
-Natural dietary supplements and restorative food
-Body cleanse programs
-Anxiety supervision along with lifestyle changes
-Neighborhood training courses along with well-being activities

5. Medical center Setting
-Soothing setting conducive in order to healing
-Relieving decor as well as rest and relaxation room
-Onsite yoga exercises studio
-Local pharmacy of all-natural solutions

-Summary of De Alternative Medical's expert services
-Contact information and area within Middleton, Del.

Permit me recognize when an individual would certainly like everyone to broaden on any specific portion throughout far more fine detail.

Educating Ones Pet Utilizing Leader Reactions

(Milfordrut, 12. 11. 2023 10:00)

Review of Leader Reactions dog education ideology and methods. That they concentrate upon positive motivation although setting up the particular owner because load up head.

Key Portions:

1. Alpha Reactions Training Method
-Utilizing dog's all-natural load up behavior in order to respect user because leader
-Good reinforcement techniques
-Compensate-based training methods
-Understanding canine mindset along with habits
-Customized coaching programs regarding each canine
2. Conformity Education
-Fundamental instructions - remain, continue to be, arrive, hindfoot, lower
-Lead education for jogging correctly
-Curbing bouncing, nipping, woofing
-Interpersonal interaction along with additional canines as well as folks
-Off-leash control

3. Habits Changes
-Coping with difficulty behaviors - aggression, anxiety, eating, digging, and so forth.
-Correcting unsatisfactory habits
-Coping with animated along with high power canines
-Education regarding splitting up anxiety

4. Specialized Training
-Services pet planning
-Therapy pet recognition
-Guard canine fitness and health
-Diagnosis along with tracking abilities
-Seeking pet proficiency
-Opposition and demonstrate training

5. Within-Home and Kennel Training
-Exclusive within-property sessions
-Time training and pet software
-Team courses at their coaching facility
-Twenty-four/Several trainer support regarding ship owners

Bottom line:
-Overview of Dominant Instincts' encounter along with adaptable education expert services
-Contact details with regard to evaluations as well as costs

Permit me recognize if you would similar to everyone to be able to broaden or even add more particulars about just about any particular section.

Training Your Dog With Leader Reactions

(Milfordrut, 12. 11. 2023 4:32)

Review of Leader Instincts dog coaching thinking as well as techniques. That they focus upon constructive encouragement while creating the actual owner because bunch head.

Main Sections:

1. Alpha Behavior Coaching Approach
-Using puppy's all-natural load up instincts to be able to regard owner because leader
-Good encouragement techniques
-Incentive-based education techniques
-Comprehension canine perception as well as behaviors
-Custom made education programs for each pet
2. Conformity Coaching
-Basic instructions - take a seat, stay, appear, hindfoot, down
-Lead training with regard to walking adequately
-Controlling getting, nipping, barking
-Socialization with some other puppies and folks
-Away from-leash control

3. Behavior Changes
-Dealing with issue habits - aggression, nervousness, gnawing, searching, and so on.
-Correcting unsatisfactory routines
-Coping with excitable and high vitality dogs
-Training for splitting up stress and anxiety

4. Specialized Training
-Service pet processing
-Therapies canine accreditation
-Guard dog conditioning
-Diagnosis along with following abilities
-Hunting canine effectiveness
-Rivals and show training

5. In-Home as well as Kennel Education
-Exclusive throughout-house sessions
-Day training and boarding software
-Team instruction at their training facility
-24/7 coach support for boarders

-Overview of Leader Reactions' knowledge and adaptable training expert services
-Get hold of information with regard to examining as well as charges

Let everyone know in the event that a person might such as everyone in order to broaden or perhaps include more details about virtually any particular section.

Training The Dog Utilizing Dominant Reactions

(Milfordrut, 12. 11. 2023 1:09)

Overview of Alpha Instincts dog coaching ideology along with approaches. These people focus upon positive reinforcement although establishing the actual owner since pack leader.

Primary Sections:

1. Dominant Behavior Education Strategy
-Making use of dog's all-natural pack behavior to be able to respect proprietor because innovator
-Constructive motivation strategies
-Reward-structured education techniques
-Comprehension dog perception as well as manners
-Custom made training plans with regard to every dog
2. Compliance Coaching
-Basic commands - take a seat, continue to be, arrive, hindfoot, down
-Teather education for strolling correctly
-Curbing bouncing, biting, woofing
-Interpersonal interaction with other dogs along with people
-Away from-leash handle

3. Habits Alteration
-Dealing with difficulty manners - anger, anxiety, eating, digging, etc.
-Fixing undesirable practices
-Coping with enthusiastic as well as higher energy puppies
-Education regarding spliting up nervousness

4. Specific Training
-Assistance dog planning
-Therapies pet recognition
-Safeguard canine health and fitness
-Recognition as well as monitoring abilities
-Hunting canine proficiency
-Opposition as well as display training

5. Throughout-Home along with Boarding Training
-Personal throughout-home classes
-Time coaching as well as pet applications
-Team instruction in his or her education facility
-Twenty four/6 trainer help with regard to ship owners

Bottom line:
-Overview of Alpha Instincts' experience along with adaptable education services
-Contact info for evaluating along with charges

Permit myself know if you would like everyone in order to increase or even include far more details upon virtually any certain portion.

Coaching Your Pet Together with Alpha Behavior

(Milfordrut, 12. 11. 2023 0:01)

Review of Dominant Reactions canine education thinking along with approaches. These people concentrate on constructive reinforcement although creating the actual user as load up innovator.

Primary Areas:

1. Leader Behavior Coaching Method
-Utilizing pet's natural load up reactions to value proprietor since innovator
-Constructive motivation techniques
-Compensate-based training methods
-Understanding canine psychology as well as manners
-Custom made training programs with regard to each canine
2. Compliance Coaching
-Simple commands - sit, continue to be, arrive, heel, lower
-Lead training regarding walking correctly
-Controlling getting, pinching, too much barking
-Interpersonal interaction together with additional canines along with people
-Off-leash control

3. Habits Modification
-Addressing issue habits - anger, anxiety, gnawing, burrowing, and so forth.
-Rectifying unsatisfactory practices
-Managing enthusiastic along with high vitality canines
-Training for splitting up stress and anxiety

4. Specific Education
-Assistance canine preparation
-Remedy canine accreditation
-Defend canine health and fitness
-Detection and monitoring skills
-Seeking dog proficiency
-Rivals as well as display training

5. Throughout-Home along with Pet Training
-Exclusive in-home periods
-Time coaching along with boarding software
-Team classes in their own coaching service
-Twenty-four/6 trainer support with regard to boarders

Bottom line:
-Review of Dominant Reactions' encounter and adaptable education expert services
-Get in touch with information for evaluating and pricing

Allow myself understand when an individual would like myself to expand or perhaps put a lot more information on any specific section.

Training The Puppy Together with Dominant Behavior

(Milfordrut, 11. 11. 2023 22:51)

Overview of Alpha Behavior pet education thinking along with techniques. That they concentrate in good encouragement although setting up the proprietor since bunch leader.

Key Portions:

1. Dominant Reactions Coaching Approach
-Making use of dog's all-natural bunch reactions to be able to respect user as leader
-Constructive motivation methods
-Compensate-dependent education methods
-Knowing puppy psychology along with manners
-Personalized education ideas for each canine
2. Conformity Training
-Fundamental instructions - sit, keep, come, heel, lower
-Teather education regarding jogging correctly
-Controlling jumping, pinching, woofing
-Socializing together with some other puppies along with folks
-Off-leash handle

3. Behavior Alteration
-Addressing problem habits - hostility, nervousness, eating, burrowing, and so forth.
-Rectifying unwanted routines
-Controlling animated and substantial vitality puppies
-Training regarding splitting up stress and anxiety

4. Specialized Education
-Services dog processing
-Remedy pet accreditation
-Guard canine conditioning
-Diagnosis and tracking skills
-Searching for pet efficacy
-Opposition as well as display training

5. In-Home as well as Boarding Coaching
-Exclusive within-property sessions
-Time education as well as pet software
-Team classes from their coaching facility
-Twenty four/Several coach assistance regarding companies

-Overview of Alpha Behavior' knowledge and multipurpose education services
-Get in touch with details with regard to evaluating and charges

Let everyone know in the event that an individual would certainly like me to broaden or perhaps include more particulars about just about any particular section.

Training Ones Dog Together with Leader Reactions

(Milfordrut, 11. 11. 2023 14:20)

Review of Leader Reactions canine education philosophy and approaches. That they focus on constructive motivation while creating the particular proprietor because pack leader.

Main Areas:

1. Dominant Behavior Training Method
-Using puppy's all-natural bunch reactions to value user as head
-Constructive reinforcement strategies
-Reward-based training techniques
-Understanding puppy mindset and manners
-Custom made education plans with regard to each and every pet
2. Obedience Training
-Basic orders - remain, continue to be, arrive, back heel, down
-Leash education for strolling adequately
-Curbing bouncing, biting, too much barking
-Interpersonal interaction along with some other dogs along with people
-Away-leash manage

3. Habits Changes
-Coping with issue habits - hostility, nervousness, chewing, searching, and so forth.
-Rectifying unsatisfactory routines
-Managing enthusiastic along with higher vitality canines
-Education with regard to separation anxiety

4. Customized Training
-Service pet processing
-Therapies pet recognition
-Safeguard canine conditioning
-Detection as well as tracking skills
-Seeking canine effectiveness
-Rivals along with demonstrate education

5. In-Home and Boarding Coaching
-Exclusive within-house classes
-Evening training and boarding programs
-Team courses at their own education facility
-Twenty four/Several instructor help regarding boarders

-Introduction of Alpha Reactions' encounter and adaptable training expert services
-Get in touch with details for evaluations and pricing

Permit everyone understand in the event that a person might similar to everyone to increase or include a lot more details upon just about any certain portion.

thanks, interesting read

(Thomasbluby, 9. 11. 2023 1:21)

interesting post

very interesting, but nothing sensible

(Kennethtum, 4. 11. 2023 14:01)

don't think anything

приворот на тоску по любимой - приворот продаж

(Matthewhab, 26. 10. 2023 17:11)

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приворот на любовь к любимому - сколько снимать приворот

(Matthewhab, 26. 10. 2023 17:06)

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экстрасенс о приворотах - экстрасенсы и приворот

(Matthewhab, 26. 10. 2023 17:01)

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2 мага делают приворот
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приворот для отца
приворот чтобы муж полюбил свою жену снова

приворот на любовницу по фото - приворот на мобильном

(Matthewhab, 23. 10. 2023 22:00)

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(RonaldDooth, 6. 10. 2023 20:47)

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(RobertVed, 6. 10. 2023 15:47)

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