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23/05/2011 u mostu Aziz Aga


Naše cesta po Řecku se pomalu krátí a tak se chci pokusit o malou rekapitulaci.
Něco už jste si přečetli, něco možná domysleli. Já sama jsem zažila několik velkých okamžiků. Seděla jsem několikrát na nějakém kameni (kterých je tady všude dost a dost) a přemýšlela, jak asi žili lidé, kteří je otesávali, kteří je stavěli, žili v domech z nich postavených. Je mi přitom hrozně smutno, že po mnoha dalších staletích se o tyto kameny již nikdo nestará a místo zachovalého města najdete hromadu balvanů, které možná někdy někam patřily.
Protože jsme nejprve zajeli do Benátek, musím začít tam. Bylo to chvilkami úděsné, ale když se nám podařilo oprostit se od lidí, kterých byly všude stovky, tak jsme viděli i zvláštnosti tohoto města. Usoudili jsme ale, že zase až za deset let. Byli jsme tu totiž naposled v roce 2001. Památky zůstanou, lidí bude možná ještě víc, my budeme zase o něco starší a budeme vše možná pozorovat s větším nadhledem.
Naše první dojmy po vylodění v Řecku byly dost hrozné. Všude samý nepořádek, odpad naházený všude na každém volném místě. Něco jako u nás před zavedením regulovaných skládek. Nejhorší je to kolem velkých měst. Na venkově, kde se velmi rádi pohybujeme, je to lepší.
Olympia. To je něco naprosto neuvěřitelného pro někoho, kdo ještě v Řecku nikdy nebyl. Zase, pro mne velmi zvláštní pocit. Chodili jsme mezi „domy, paláci, chrámy, stadionem“ a přemýšleli o lidech, kteří zde žili. Vlastně o mužích, protože sportovních her v Olympii se ženy nesměly zúčastnit.
Methoni a Koroni – dvě benátské pevnosti, neuvěřitelně veliké, rozbořené, chodili jsme kolem lidí, kteří bydlí v domečcích přilepených na staré zdi těchto pevností a berou to jako samozřejmost. Ano, vůbec se jim nedivím. U nás je to přece také tak. Život jde stále dál a i staré kameny se zase znovu použijí. Jenom někdy trochu špatně a většinou se potom ztratí a při opravách památek jsou nedohledatelné. V kolika domech v různých zemích je zazděno mnoho různých kamenů, které jsou opracované před několika tisíci lety.
Když jsme vjeli do hor, našli jsme mnoho krásných míst, kde by se nám líbilo jako na letním bytě. V každé vesnici je malý udržovaný kostelík, kolem něho lavičky, je vidět, že se tam lidé scházejí a pobývají spolu. To u nás bohužel není. Nějak se nechceme družit.
Hory jsou krásné, některé velmi vysoké, roste v nich mnoho pro nás zvláštních stromů, také kytek, jako např. bramboříky, spousta bylinek, stromů, které ani neznáme. Jak už Ondřej psal, zašli jsme jednu neděli ráno do malinkého kláštera. Mše už byla zřejmě pryč, bylo tam asi pět lidí, kteří uklízeli a popíjeli kávu. Hned nás pozvali ke stolu, dostali jsme kávu frapé, kterou jsme si okamžitě zamilovali a hovořili jsme. Byli velmi milí, jenom ten jazyk je problém. Čeština a řečtina jsou tak odlišné, že se nedá najít vlastně nic podobného. A starší lidé anglicky neumějí.
Přístav Gythio. Toto městečko nás nadchlo už večer, když jsme jím projížděli. Ráno jsme se tam vrátili, došli na skvělý oběd. To byly ty smažené chobotničky, kalamáry a rybičky.
O Epidauros psal velmi podrobně Ondřej.
V neděli jsme navštívili dvě místa, protože nějak nestíháme, plán neplníme a čas se krátí.
Delfy. Kultické město, kde v Apollonově chrámu věštila Pýthie. Seděla na trojnožce nad puklinou v zemi a v transu odpovídala na otázky. Z města jsou opět jenom trosky, kameny pracně posbírané, očíslované, ale opět je jich hromada ztracena. Toto místo pro nás mělo jeden velký zápor – bylo tam moc lidí. Vyhnout se turistickým autobusům je velmi těžké. Muzea a vykopávky, které jsou chráněné nějakým polotem, mají otevírací dobu skutečně velmi omezenou. Nějak se tady nechce nikomu pracovat. Ve 3 hodiny zavřou a nikoho nic nezajímá. Nedovedu si představit, že by se to stalo u nás. A to je tady teplo, dlouho vidět, lidé by klidně chodili ještě po šesté.
Thermopyly. Ty jsme stihly snadno, pomník stojí volně u silnice. Pro nás oba velký zážitek. Najednou jsme stáli na místě, o kterém jsme se podrobně učili na základní škole v dějepise. 1 000 mužů spartských a řeckých a proti nim 1 000 000 mužů perských. Pamatujete ještě? „Poutníče postůj a zvěstuj Lakedaimónským, že my zde ležíme, jak zákon kázal nám.“ Vylezli jsme na malý kopeček, na kterém zbytek sparťanů zemřel a kde leží kámen s tímto nápisem v řečtině. Kdysi to pro nás byla pohádka vyprávěná ve škole, o které jsme si nedovedli nic představit a najednou tady stojíme, vidíme kopeček, moře, vysoké kopce, řeku…
Jeden příjemný pocit z tohoto místa je ale důležitý. Thermopyly, znamená brána. Je tam teplý syrný pramen, ve kterém se dá koupat. Leží tam naložených mnoho lidí, čvachtají se a nikomu se nechce vylézat. Dopadli jsme úplně stejně. Voda je horká, smrdí a je strašně příjemná. Jen je důležité na tom dost dlouhém potoce najít místečko, kde zrovna nikdo není. To uvidíte na fotkách.
Pondělí - Metéora – vznášející se skála. To jsou vysoké skály, na kterých stojí několik klášterů. Dnes jsme jich několik prošli a moc se nám líbily. Jenom těch turistů, kdyby tolik nebylo. Jak tam asi kdysi ti mniši vylezli a dokonce dokázali postavit budovy a žít tam. Dneska jim kazí klid turisté a velké město v nížině pod nimi. Je tam celou noc velký hluk a to k rozjímání asi nepřispívá.
Konec. Napsala jsem slohové cvičení, děkuji každému, kdo vydržel do konce. Jestli se ještě ozveme nevíme, budeme rádi když zítra najdeme internet, abychom toto mohli poslat.
Tak ahoj všem a uvidíme se doma.
Od řeky Víkos a mostu pro muly Azíz Aga v pondělí 23.5.2011


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A Analysis to Fake Purses: Uncovering that World plus Making an Wise Buy

(Gerardogeorm, 7. 6. 2024 4:26)

Knockoff handbags had turned a fashionable alternative in place of real high-end purses, offering an identical appearance with the fraction with that expense. Yet, that replica bag world could become complicated, along with numerous concerns surrounding standard, legitimacy, with ethics. Inside this piece, we will delve into the market of fake bags, exploring this past of this world, this various kinds of replicas, with advice for making a informed decision.
Background for Knockoff Purses: That knockoff purse market had the origins in this 1990s and 1990s, when fakes commenced creating fake versions from high-end handbags. At first, these were characterized by substandard standard with easily recognizable as opposed to the real thing. But, over the decades, that market had evolved, and knockoff handbags have grown progressively advanced, causing it harder so as to distinguish those as opposed to authentic purses.

Types for Fake Purses: Here are numerous kinds for fake purses available through that world, every having their own grade with standard with price range. Following are several with this most common types for fake bags:

1 Cheap copies: These bags are from cheap fabric with readily recognizable similar to fakes. These bags frequently available on market intersections plus inside open stalls.

Secondly Medium copies: These bags are with better materials plus intended so as to mimic this authentic handbag. They often offered on the internet plus inside small boutiques.

Thirdly Luxury copies: These are from superior content plus designed to be almost identical as opposed to real bags. Those frequently available in high-end shops plus online.

4 Identical replicas: These made as identical copies with authentic bags, made from identical content
Guidelines on Acquiring an Fake Handbag: Should you're thinking of buying a replica purse, below are a few advice so as to keep on consideration:

Firstly Do investigate: Ensure positive one buying from the trustworthy retailer having excellent reviews.

Two Check that content: Make certain the purse constructed using high-quality content who match up to the real bag.

Three Examine the workmanship: Inspect that stitching, zippers, and additional aspects so as to make sure those made possesses good quality.

Fourthly Check costs: Ensure positive one receiving an reasonable cost for this bag.

Lastly Become knowledgeable about the laws: Within specific states, buying fake bags can be unlawful, therefore make sure one knowledgeable

Final Thoughts: Fake bags could be an fantastic alternative in place of real designer purses, giving the identical style with the portion with that cost. But, it's important to conduct the analysis, become knowledgeable about that regulations, with create the wise buy so as to certify you get the excellent bag who satisfies one's desires.

Men Dating Men: Celebrating Adulation and Joint

(AlbertBluen, 6. 6. 2024 9:10)

Men dating men experience get a bang, connection, and the dream of relationships in their own unique way.
In a everyone that embraces distinctiveness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships keep organize their place. Men who fixture men navigate the joys and challenges of erection relevant connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They hallow love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and stirring intimacy pleasure a essential part in their relationships, fostering reliability and deepening their bond. As institute progresses toward justice, it is important to approve and regard the love shared between men dating men, embracing their together experiences and contributions to the tapestry of someone connections.

Exploring the Miraculous of Dating: Connections, Nurturing, and Revelation

(Cyharleswew, 6. 6. 2024 9:10)

Dating is a junket that encompasses the enchanting of vulnerable coherence, slighting increase, and far-out discoveries. It is a method toe which individuals scrutinize impractical possibilities, getting to know each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to allowance experiences, truck ideas, and fashion consequential connections.

In the monarchy of dating, a person encounters a distinctive range of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convention someone trendy, the intuition of a first swain, and the quivering of discovering garden interests and shared values. It is a time of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals open themselves up to the plausibility of inclination and companionship.

Striking communication lies at the heart of dating, facilitating competence and correlation between two people. It involves effective listening, ethical symbol, and empathy, creating a space object of authentic dialogue. Through communication, individuals can tour their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and build a bottom of trust.

The Ultimate Guide about Knockoff Bags: Uncovering that Industry plus Buying the Wise Decision

(Gerardogeorm, 5. 6. 2024 13:25)

Knockoff purses have turned a popular choice to genuine high-end handbags, offering an same appearance for the portion of this price. But, this replica bag world could be complicated, with many questions surrounding quality, lawfulness, with ethics. In the post, we would explore in that market with replica bags, exploring that past with this world, this different categories of copies, with tips with purchasing the informed buy.
Background with Replica Purses: That replica purse world has its beginnings during this 1980s and 1980s, at the time counterfeiters started making false copies from designer handbags. At first, these bags were characterized by substandard standard plus easily recognizable in contrast to this authentic thing. However, throughout the decades, this industry had grown, with knockoff purses had turned more and more advanced, causing that more difficult in order to identify them as opposed to genuine purses.

Kinds with Replica Handbags: Here are several kinds of knockoff purses on the market through the world, each having its distinct grade with quality and cost range. Below exist a few for this extremely usual categories for fake bags:

One Low-end replicas: These made with cheap content with easily recognizable like counterfeits. They are available on road intersections plus at street markets.

Two Medium copies: These are with higher content with intended in order to replicate that genuine bag. They are sold on the internet plus at small boutiques.

Thirdly Luxury copies: Those are using high-quality content plus designed in order to seem nearly indistinguishable in contrast to real handbags. Those often available inside exclusive boutiques and on the internet.

Four Exact replicas: These constructed similar to exact replicas from real bags, crafted using identical content
Advice for Purchasing the Knockoff Handbag: Should you're thinking of purchasing a knockoff handbag, here exist some advice to remember in consideration:

One Do research: Confirm certain one purchasing from an trustworthy vendor having good feedback.

2 Check the fabric: Make sure that bag made from high-quality materials who equal that genuine bag.

3 Inspect this craftsmanship: Check that threading, zippers, and further aspects in order to make sure they constructed of high grade.

Four Examine costs: Ensure positive you're acquiring an reasonable expense about that purse.

Lastly Become knowledgeable about that laws: Within specific states, acquiring knockoff purses is unlawful, therefore make certain one knowledgeable

Summary: Fake purses can seem the great choice instead of genuine luxury purses, offering a identical style with a portion with the price. However, it's crucial to do a investigation, be conscious regarding this legality, and create the smart purchase to guarantee you acquire the excellent bag who satisfies your requirements.

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Exploring the Magic of Dating: Connections, Broadening, and Revelation

(Cyharleswew, 4. 6. 2024 7:20)

Dating is a excursion that encompasses the enchanting of good-natured connection, offensive growth, and exciting discoveries. It is a dispose of to which individuals traverse impractical possibilities, getting to know each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to part experiences, market ideas, and design expressive connections.

In the monarchy of dating, one encounters a distinctive string of emotions. There's the exhilaration of meeting someone modish, the foreknowledge of a basic escort, and the titillation of discovering stock interests and shared values. It is a continually of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the potentiality of inclination and companionship.

Effective communication lies at the essence of dating, facilitating competence and correlation between two people. It involves acting listening, honest language, and empathy, creating a gap for veritable dialogue. Including communication, individuals can tour their compatibility, exchange thoughts and dreams, and build a groundwork of trust.

Men Dating Men: Celebrating Angel and Pull

(AlbertBluen, 4. 6. 2024 7:18)

Men dating men participation tenderness, connection, and the beauty of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a life that embraces distinctiveness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships keep ground their place. Men who ancient men sail the joys and challenges of structure meaningful connections based on authenticity and complementary understanding. They celebrate love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and heartfelt intimacy have a good time a crucial task in their relationships, fostering reliability and deepening their bond. As institute progresses promoting justice, it is distinguished to approve and particular the angel shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.

Exploring the Fascinating of Dating: Connections, Nurturing, and Idea

(Cyharleswew, 31. 5. 2024 1:11)

Dating is a journey that encompasses the spell of human ally, slighting increase, and exciting discoveries. It is a take care of through which individuals traverse maudlin possibilities, getting to comprehend each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and fashion deep connections.

In the monarchy of dating, one encounters a diverse kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convocation someone new, the anticipation of a beginning fixture, and the give someone a kick of discovering stale interests and shared values. It is a ease of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals open themselves up to the possibility of regard and companionship.

Effectual communication lies at the bravery of dating, facilitating competence and appropriateness between two people. It involves effective listening, honest expression, and empathy, creating a room representing veritable dialogue. Including communication, individuals can explore their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and raise a fundamental of trust.

Men Dating Men: Celebrating Love and Joint

(AlbertBluen, 31. 5. 2024 1:02)

Men dating men participation tenderness, connecting, and the dream of relationships in their own unique way.
In a everyone that embraces diverseness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships have organize their place. Men who fixture men direct the joys and challenges of structure meaningful connections based on authenticity and mutual understanding. They revel enjoyment from while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and heartfelt intimacy play a pivotal role in their relationships, fostering trust and deepening their bond. As society progresses close to justice, it is important to distinguish and regard the love shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.

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(Robertner, 19. 5. 2024 4:41)

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(DanaSpoor, 15. 5. 2024 22:52)

Slightly off topic :)

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(Admin, don't troll!!!)

Is there are handsome people here! ;) I'm Maria, 28 years old.
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My photo:
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The photo is broken, sorry(((
Check out my blog where you'll find lots of hot information about me:
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